In the world of high school science, one name represents the pinnacle of achievement: Intel ISEF. ISEF stands for the International Science and Engineering Fair and it is the world’s largest pre-college science competition.
At Intel ISEF, more than 430 high schools represent over 70 countries from around the globe and compete for more than $5 million in prizes. To qualify, students must first achieve success at their school, then their regional or state science fairs.
Pop Quiz: What school in the entire world is sending the most kids to Intel ISEF?
Answer: duPont Manual High School located in Louisville, Kentucky.
And just how strong are the students from Manual?
At the recent state competition at Eastern Kentucky University in Richmond, KY, 41 students presented their research to teams of judges and were ultimately awarded:
14 out of the 20 possible first-place prizes
11 out of the 20 possible second-place prizes
(that’s 25 out of the top 40 awards!!!)
Additionally, students from duPont Manual won 10 special awards recognizing excellence in their respective fields.
According to Manual teacher Mr. Glen Zwanzig, “duPont Manual has a history of sending top performers each year. Sending fourteen students to compete at ISEF is more than we have ever sent and more than any other high school in the United States or entire world for that matter.”
More than 400 students at Manual participate in year-round scientific-research programs, many of them working on cutting edge technologies and life science fields. Whether the projects are completed at home or in laboratories, the Manual students are among the most engaged, inquisitive and talented group of students who believe that STEM is the future.
We are proud to continue our partnership with duPont Manual High School’s successful science fair program. The recognitions and awards that the students have received are tremendous and we look forward to seeing more from this group in the future.
We wish all of the ISEF participants much success at the upcoming competition in Pittsburgh. Go Team Kentucky!